A parent is concerned about their nearly five-year-old daughter's intense craving for sweets, leading her to lie, manipulate, and steal to obtain them.
We are having some serious problems with our almost 5-year-old daughter. She is obsessed with sweets, although we do not buy many for her. She will do anything to get them, regardless of the consequences. She will lie, manipulate, steal, or do whatever it takes to get her hands on junk food. She does get some treats periodically, but within reason. Do you have any suggestions for us? It's getting worse, and her obsession is increasing. Please help us with this dilemma, as this is very apparent to all my family and friends. She is also chronically constipated, so it's a real concern.
It's natural for many children to have a "sweet tooth." Children’s stomachs are smaller than those of adults, and they often become hungry more frequently. This can lead to low blood sugar, which may cause cravings for sweets. Much of the craving for sweets can actually be attributed to mild hypoglycemia.
Many children would benefit from eating several small meals a day rather than the traditional three large ones. Here are some steps you can take to help manage your daughter’s cravings:
I doubt that the constipation is due to eating sweets. It is more likely the result of insufficient fiber in her diet. Here are some steps to improve her digestion:
Remember that some sweet things, like fruit and dark chocolate, are actually beneficial for health. Keep these on hand for snacks or as rewards for eating something nutritious.
Don’t be too hard on your daughter if she steals or lies to get sweets. At her age, she is not yet old enough to fully understand the concepts of truth and falsehood. Many children at this age struggle with impulse control and tend to say what they think adults want to hear. Here are a few suggestions to help manage this behavior: