Sidestepping the Power Struggle - In Person or Zoom

This is a course for parents with kids of all ages from tots to teens. LIFE Seminars is highly regarded by psychologists, physicians, and mental health practitioners. This parenting course is evidence based, researched and created by a child psychologist and seasoned therapist. This course is a must for parents, teachers and caregivers.


Eight Tuesday Evenings: Part One - February 18th to March 11th - Spring Break - Part Two - April 1st to April 22nd/25


7:00 to 8:30 PM

Registration Information

You can attend on Zoom with access for both parents or extended family members. In-person seats are available with access to Zoom when needed. All course participants will be provided with course material by way of PDF's, audio books, and a student platform for reviewing the material. Zoom cost: $145. In-Person - Single: $165. Couple: $235. IMPORTANT - If you plan to attend in-person, do not wait to register. Seating is limited as we meet in my studio.

Available in Zoom, In-Person Single, and In-Person Couple

Sign up

Part One:

- Fears and Worries, Moral Development, Children's Limitations.

- Temperament in Parent and Child

- Difficult Behaviours and Problems with Feelings

- Antecedent Management

Part Two:  

- Promoting Responsible, Caring People

- Discipline Do's and Don'ts

- Love, Limits and Consequences

All of the material goes in depth and is taught by Dr. Rees.

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